1、 武汉云豹救援队是由一批热心社会公益事业的户外爱好者及医护人员组成的应急救援志愿者队伍,为壹基金救援联盟成员之一。主要从事山地救援、城市综合救援、水上救援、地质灾害及其他自然灾害救援等。
2、 自2009年成立以来,该队主持过多次野外失踪人员的搜救及公众救援救生知识的普及活动。
3、 YB (Your Brothers) Mountain & Water Rescue Team, formed in 2009 , currently comprises 15 trained experts and other skillful support crews , all are unpaid volunteers. Based in Wuhan, our team oper- ates principally in central China as a well-known non-profit organization. Not only engaged in searching and rescuing missing persons and casualties in mountain, rivers and lakes, we also offer regular free training program for gree-nhands and enter the quake-stricken areas as a rescue task force. Since last year, we started high access rescue service in our city as an only volunteer urban rescue unit in this area. We are on-call for high, difficult and inacc-essible spaces rescues by rope access skills and UAV to reach and recover casualties.
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